The American Medical Association owns the rights to all CPT® (Current Procedural Terminology) codes and enforces the collection of licensing fees for each healthcare provider who renders medical services for which a fee is charged.
Similar to all practice management and EHR companies, we are required to collect licensing fees for CPT® codes annually on behalf of the AMA. Fees should be collected via your primary payment method.
For more information on the AMA CPT® Code licensing fees, please visit this link.
- Do I need to pay for providers who are not using AMA CPT® codes?
- No, providers who have not used or will not use CPT® codes during the calendar year will not be charged.
Will I be charged sales tax for the AMA CPT codes licensing fee?
Applicable taxes will not be charged on this billing cycle but may be charged in the future if the tax rules change.
Will the fee be raised next year?
We will communicate ahead of time about any CPT® code fee increases made by the AMA. Historically, the AMA has raised its fee by $0.50 each year. Based on communication from the AMA, we expect a similar increase related to these charges every year going forward.
When will billing take place for AMA CPT code usage?
Providers subscribed to use the AMA CPT® codes will be billed on the first invoice of the year. You may receive additional AMA CPT® code charges for any incremental providers who utilize CPT® codes and were not previously billed earlier in the year. (e.g., If a new provider joins a practice in March, and utilizes CPT® codes, the practice will be charged for the addition of the new provider on the following invoice.)
Can I pay the AMA directly?
No, the AMA will charge all EHR companies for the use of their CPT® codes. For this reason, we will be collecting the fees on their behalf.
How is ShareNote Community identifying providers who have used CPT® Codes?
Any user that has used a CPT® Code for a service or claim will be considered an eligible provider for the AMA Licensing Fee.
How will the fee appear on my ShareNote Community invoice?
The charge description will say "CPT Code Billing".
I use other billing tools with these codes too. Do I only need to pay this fee once per year, per provider or will I need to pay for each billing tool I use?
The AMA is charging all practice management systems and EHRs a licensing fee per provider for use of the AMA CPT® Codes. We are unaware of how other billing software and solutions plan to accommodate these fees.
For Therapy Brands practice management and EHR solutions, your account will be charged the license fee for each provider that uses CPT® codes.
How much does ShareNote Community profit from these fees?
ShareNote Community does not profit from the AMA Licensing Fees. The cost per qualified provider is for the usage of the AMA CPT® codes, which includes the AMA CPT® code licensing fee and a small processing fee.